
Lheen's Site

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Revised - January 13, 2007

Flu Season is here again !!!!!

Flu season is here again !!! When the weather change , we sneeze, we cough, we have running noise.... it's so annoying.

I have some ways of curing colds, they are cost effective and have no side effects.

When I have colds , I take lots of vitamin C. Fruits that has vitamin C and vitamin C tablets. Usually I take one or two tablets a day. But when I have colds, I take 3 tablets every two hours, that means more than 20 tables a day, I will keep taking till I feel better. When you take that much vitamin C , to prevent from having kidney stones, you need to drink lots of water.

I also take chicken soup. yes, chicken soup with lots of lemon juice. (and it should be the real one, not the cube or the powdered one ). and if you want to feel fuller, you may add some rice and it will become lemon chicken congee.

I also take a cough medicine, a cube made of lo-han kuo ( a brown, sweet fruit, kuo means fruit in mandarin ) and cane sugar. it costs less than cad $2.00 per pack. Usually I'll take this during weekends because it'll makes you cough more. I'll take twice, six cubes at a time, that means one pack per day for three days the most. Once you take them you will cough more, just let them all out and you will feel your lungs are cleansed.

So for the first 4 days, I take vitamin C, lemon chicken soup and lo-han kuo.Most of the time the conditions will improve, if not , then I will take cough syrrups ( or see a doctor ) because I don't want to cough too long at work . The good things in using these waysss to cure colds is vitamin C can repair our body systems. It doesn't means that next year when winter comes you won't catch colds again, you still will, but it is less severe and you will recover quicker. If you use vitamin C every time to cure colds, your body systems will gradually become stronger.

Aside from foods, another way of preventing the spreading of virus is wash everything that is washeable before you wear or use them. What I means everything washeable includes clothes, stockings, backpacks ( you can fold them in the washing machine ) , pillows, underwear, ...... All these things comes from manufacturers' warehouse to transporting and then display in the stores, they can be the best means of virus carriers.

Good health to all of you !!!